zipBoard Integrations

This is a list of all the integrations available for zipBoard atm. Note that only the most important documents are included below for each integration. You can always visit the category you want and explore more.

We also provide APIs on-demand if you'd want to integrate zipBoard with any other software/tool, with our enterprise plan. Book a demo now to see if this would be right for you and your team. Or contact our support if you'd like any personalised integration/feature.

Jira Integration:

Slack Integration:

Wrike Integration:

Microsoft Teams:

Lambda Test:

Zapier Integration

Outlook Integration


Our platform seamlessly integrates with various tools to streamline your workflow. Additionally, you can leverage our API to customize and extend functionalities, enabling tailored solutions for your specific needs. Please follow this link.

Let us know if you have any more queries regarding any zipBoard's integrations at [email protected]!🙂

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