How do I share my website, PDF file, HTML / SCORM file, images or video for commenting?

Experience the freedom to upload a diverse range of content formats on zipBoard, transforming the way you collaborate. Whether it's a website, PDF, HTML/SCORM content, images, MP3 or videos, zipBoard accommodates them all. But the benefits don't stop there – once uploaded, you can seamlessly share and collaborate on your content, enhancing teamwork and efficiency.

  1. Navigate to the desired project. 
  2. Click on Add content (if you haven't uploaded anything)
  3. Choose the 'URL/PDF/HTML/SCORM(ZIP)/IMAGE/MP3/VIDEO' option, and add the required details in ADD tab prompted.
  4. Click 'Add' to proceed.
  5. Or select a specific file you would like to share
  6. Now you have two options to share:
    • You can also share file from dashboard -> Click the 3-dot menu ->

    • You can also share from the files -> open -> tab will be prompted -> Share

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