Different Share Link Options

Easily share files with external stakeholders while maintaining controlled access and efficient collaboration. zipBoard allows you to set custom permissions based on different roles, ensuring a secure and seamless review process.

How to Share a File in zipBoard

Sharing a file via a secure link allows clients and guests to review digital assets with predefined permissions.

🎥 Watch this video for a step-by-step guide on sharing link options.

This video is dedicated to sharing link options.

Share Options


  1. Require Signup/Login

Guests have to create an account in zipBoard. Toggle the options as per your requirement to share files.

Use this option for secure collaboration where authentication is required.

  1. Access with Password

You can share the file to the user with a password, so that when the shared user opens the file, they need to enter a password to view it.

Best for confidential files where an extra security layer is needed.

  1. View All Boards/Reviews

If you enable the toggle for this option, the obtained share link for your project would allow your

  • clients to view all previous boards and comments, and add their respective comments and tasks.
  • For guests, they have limited capabilities. While they can view the content and existing comments, they are unable to add annotations. Their participation is limited to adding comments only.

Use this option when sharing full project context with external stakeholders.

  1. Add New Boards/Review

If you enable the toggle for this option, the obtained share link for your project would allow your

  • clients, and guests to start a fresh review; where they can click new screens and add annotations or comments to them. But, they won't be able to see any previously added screens or comments.

Ideal for situations where feedback is needed on fresh versions without prior context.

  1. View All Boards/Reviews + Add New Boards/Reviews

If you enable the toggle for both these options, then the obtained share link for your project would allow your

  • clients, and guests to click new screens, add annotations or comments, and view previously added screens as well.

Best for projects where ongoing feedback and visibility are required.

  1. Set Expiry date

Limits access to the shared file by setting an expiration date.

  • Once expired, the link becomes inactive, and users can no longer access the file.

Use this option to provide temporary access to external reviewers.

  1. Required Signup/Login + View All Boards/Reviews

This means that you must sign up and sign in to a zipBoard account to gain access to the upload that you have been assigned to review.

For clients, once logged in, they can view all previous boards and comments, and add their respective comments and tasks.

For guests, they need to sign up/log in. While they can view the content and existing comments, they are unable to add annotations. Their participation is limited to adding comments only.

  1. Required Signup/Login + Add New Boards/Reviews

This means that you must sign up and sign in to a zipBoard account to gain access to the upload that you have been assigned to review.

Clients, and guests can click new screens and add annotations or comments to them. But, they won't be able to see any previously added screens or comments.

Best for projects where past discussions provide context for new reviewers.

  1. Required Signup/Login + View All + Add New Boards/Reviews

This means that you must sign up and sign in to a zipBoard account to gain access to the upload that you have been assigned to review.

Clients, and guests can click new screens, add annotations or comments, and view previously added screens as well.

Best for full collaboration with controlled access.

Managing Share Links

The best way to manage share links is to click on the share button of the upload that you've previously shared.

  1. If you want to see shared links
    1. Select shared links.
    2. Click on the number under the 'Users' tab to see the persons for whom we shared links once after they review file.

Each link will be indicative a different combination of permission settings as described through the use of icons:

Icon Meaning
🔑 Arrow Through a Door Users must sign up/log in to access the file.
💬 Chat Bubbles Users can add comments and annotations.
👀 Eye Icon Users can view existing comments and annotations.

If the icon is in green, that means that it is one of the permissions that have been enabled for the associated share link on the left in the Shared URL section.

Deleting Share Links

In the event that one of your share links get compromised, or you want to restrict ongoing access to an upload, you can delete it by clicking on the red trash can icon. This will delete the share link from your zipBoard project and doing so means that recipients of that share link will no longer have access via that link.

📌 Use this feature to revoke access instantly and maintain control over your files.

Next Steps

🚀 Want to learn more? Check out these related articles below ⬇️

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