I've been given a share link with Required Signup/Login + View All Boards/Comments access, now what?
If you enable the toggle for this option, the obtained share link for your project would allow your clients to view all previous boards and comments, and add their respective comments and tasks.
For guests, share links that have View All Boards/Comments Only Access mean that you can view the content of the upload that has been shared with you, as well as the comments and annotations of others who have reviewed the upload.
This means that you will most likely see Pencil Drawings, Highlighted text, Boxes, and Arrows on the upload - along with their associated comments - but you WILL NOT be able to create those annotations on your own.
If you're not sure what kind of share link you've been given, it's always best to contact the person who shared the link with you to double check the permissions they have enabled for you. For more information on other types of share link access, click here.