Manage Tasks Better with zipBoard

zipBoard helps you manage tasks and prioritize your backlog visually. Watch the following video to learn what you can do in zipBoard's task manager:

Organize your tasks with ease:

  • Assign ownership: Clearly delegate tasks to team members for clear accountability.
  • Set priorities (critical, high, medium, low) to ensure the most important tasks get tackled first.
  • Use statuses to visualize the workflow of each task.
  • Set due dates to keep everyone on track and avoid missed deadlines.
  • Group related tasks within specific project phases for a clear structure.
  • Add watchers to keep relevant team members informed about task progress.

You can also communicate with your collaborators by using the comments section and message them personally by using '@'.

You can visually track your task and phases by using Kanban Board.

Kanban Board lets you drag tasks through different phases in your project and have a quick glance over the tasks and their respective statuses.

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