How to Add Statuses from Project Level?

One common challenge users face is configuring project-specific statuses to effectively track the progress of tasks within a project. Without a clear understanding of how to set up and manage project statuses, users may find it challenging to organize and monitor the workflow of their projects.

With the latest zipBoard updates, managing project statuses is now simpler than ever. zipBoard empowers you with flexibility for personalized project management.

⚠️Owner, admin, manager, and collaborator: all of these users can add statuses.

  1. Navigate to the Project:
    • Log in to your zipBoard account.
    • From the dashboard or main menu, select the project you want to manage.

  2. Access Statuses:
    • Once you're inside the selected project, locate and click on the "Statuses" option from the left-hand side navigation menu.

  3. Add New Status:
    • Under the "Statuses" section, find the "Add New" button.
    • Enter the desired status text in the provided field.
    • Click the "Add" button to save the new status.

  1. Set Default Statuses:
    • To set default statuses for the entire project, look for an option that allows you to configure default statuses.
    • Configure the default statuses according to your project's workflow.

  1. Considerations for Default Status Changes:
    • If you decide to change the default status, be aware that any new tasks added from Live annotations, the review board, or the tasks tab will inherit the default status.
    • Until the user explicitly changes the task status, it will be displayed as the default status.


  • Make sure to communicate any changes in default statuses to your team to maintain clarity and consistency in project management.
  • Users have the flexibility to customize individual task statuses, allowing for a fine-tuned project tracking experience.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage project-specific statuses, ensuring a streamlined workflow and improved project tracking on

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