Can I add a text annotation in a PDF and make it a task/comment?

Yes, you can add text annotations in PDFs and convert them to tasks/comments. Here's how:

  1. Open your PDF document for review
  2. Click on the text annotation tool and add your text
  3. Click on the add to comment icon by the font color to add to comment

  • Internal Users (Super Admins, Admins, Managers, Collaborators): When internal users add information, it will directly create new tasks on the platform. This allows for streamlined action and clear task ownership. You'll easily see these tasks listed within the project interface.
  • External Users (Clients, Guest Collaborators, Guest Reviewers): These users can still contribute valuable insights, but their input will be added as comments to existing tasks. This helps maintain project focus and avoid creating unnecessary tasks for information sharing. You'll find these comments in the "External Comments" section for each relevant task.

Caution: Once you convert a text annotation into a task/comment, you cannot revert the action.

However, you can completely delete it. And when you do, it will also be deleted from the task and comment tabs.

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