How to Edit tags?
In the not-so-distant past, the process of editing tags required users to navigate through a series of steps. It involved logging into their accounts, clicking on the profile icon, and then selecting the "Manage Org" option. This multi-step approach created a cumbersome experience for users looking to make quick tag edits.
With zipBoard's new era of tags, a game-changer in enhancing the way uploads and task cards in Kanban boards are managed.
To edit tags, you should have managerial access/organization owners.
- Tagging in Manager Org
a. To edit tags, Login to your account--->Click on Profile icon—>select "Manage Org"
b. Select Tags from left Menu, you will navigate to tags page.
c. Click on Edit tags under the Action tab.
- Tagging in Uploads:
a. Navigate to the "Uploads" section.
b. Locate and click on the three-dot menu icon.
c. Select the "Tags" option.
Now, you can easily assign tags to your uploads, providing a quick and effective way to categorize and find files effortlessly.
- Tagging in Task Cards for Kanban:
a. Head over to the "Task Lists" section.
b. Select the specific task for which you want to add tags.
c. Click on the three-dot menu icon associated with the task.
d. Choose the "Tags" option from the menu.
With this newfound capability, you can tag task cards on Kanban boards, improving visual clarity and making it simpler to identify and manage tasks based on specific criteria.
Tags in uploads and task cards for Kanban offer a streamlined and visually intuitive approach to organization, ensuring that you can easily locate, categorize, and manage your content and tasks with efficiency.