How can I manage user roles better with enterprise accounts?

zipBoard Enterprise lets teams create advanced roles to separate internal and external functions. An organization, project, or a specific link can have 5 primary roles:

  1. Org Admin/Super Admin: The org admin is the overall owner of the org responsible for adding other users in the org, creating tags, has visibility and control over the entire organization, customization, and project reports, and all projects.
  2. Admin: Admin will have the same permissions as super admin, Except billing and  manage org members
  3.  Managers: Managers are independent project managers who can create and manage their own projects, add collaborators to the projects, customize their projects, add integrations, and view reports.
  4. Collaborator/Member: Collaborators are your internal team members, who are participants in your projects, they can upload content, can be assigned tasks, review feedback and manage and organize tasks. Collaborators can be invited for individual projects.
  5. Clients: Clients are only available for enterprise accounts. Clients are external stakeholders responsible for reviewing and approving content and comments from guest reviewers. They can also send and receive messages from the project team and they can approve feedback from guest reviewers to convert feedback into tasks. 
  6. Guest reviewers: These are external stakeholders or guest reviewers responsible for reviewing content. Guest reviewers have access to only the links that are explicitly shared with them. That access can be invoked by deleting a link at any point of time. Guest links can also be configured at individual versions and with different access levels ( view only, view and comment, view all reviews and comments). Once feedback is received by internal team members or clients, that feedback can be converted into tasks by either clients or the internal team. 

With an enterprise plan, you can add managers to your organization. Managers can create and/or delete new projects within your organization. Thus you can add up a level of hierarchy with enterprise accounts. Moreover, you can switch roles of any of you organization member with just a single click.

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