Adding a Manager Account

You can only add managers if you are the project owner for an organization (this feature is only available for Team/Business/Enterprise plan users) and you need to upgrade your account with managers first.

Manager accounts are created at the organization level. 

To create a Manager account, you need to follow these simple steps:

1. Log in from your Team/Business/Enterprise admin account.

2. Click on the Organization dashboard.

5. invite a new member by entering their email address.

6. Now click 'Enter' to add a new manager.

7. You can also change the Role of existing users - who have already been added to the organization but currently are not designated as managers - into managers by clicking the drop-down in the member's table and clicking on the "Manager" option 

8. Once you have added a manager to your organization, you can add them to the desired project (like you add collaborators to any project) and they will automatically be added as a manager for that particular project.

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