How Can I Export Data from zipBoard?

Data can be exported from zipBoard by either downloading or integrating with third-party apps. For more information about integrations, read here. The following data can be downloaded from zipBoard.

  1. All tasks in a project in a CSV format. You can either download all tasks from the download button in the “Task manager” tab or do a custom download based on the filters selected in the table.

You may also download required tasks by clicking “Download selected” from the task manager or you may "Download All".

  1. Screenshots created for a task. You can access the download option by hovering over the image in each task.

Download image associated with a task by clicking on the download icon above.

  1. ZIP/PDF/Image/video files that have been uploaded to a project.

Download the file by clicking on the download icon above.

  1. Download External Feedback from clients, and guests.

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