What Information is Available/Can be Populated in a Task Once it is Created?

Once a task is created, a dialog box will show up. This is what it looks like:

You can do multiple operations as indicated here to populate the task information.

  1. Download this Screen.
  2. View this task on Reviewboard.
  3. Edit the task title.
  4. Assign this task to a Collaborator.
  5. Dropdown for assigning/updating task status: Open, Waiting on client, In Progress, Defer, Resolved/Fixed, QA Verified, Won't Fix, Duplicate, User error or Reopen
  6. Dropdown for assigning/updating task type: Bug, Enhancement, Task or Feature.
  7. Dropdown for assigning/updating task priority: Low, Medium, High or Critical.
  8. .Due Date by when this issue to be completed    
  9. Dropdown for assigning/updating phase.
  10. Duplicate to link duplicate issues to this issue
  11. Add/View task tags.
  12. Add/edit task description.
  13. Attach new/View attached files to the task.
  14. Add/View Replies
  15. See task activity feed.
  16. Add/View task watchers.
  17. Add/View Integrations 
  18. Reported By: Show issue reported name
  19. Time: Shows Estimated time to solve the issue and logged time: how much time spent to solve the issue
  20. Access different information about the task and screen: Created by, Creation and last update dates, screen resolution, Browser, and OS Details, File/URL name, Project, Screen, Ref file.
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