Guides for zipBoard Users

We, at zipBoard, always strive to make your work easier and help you collaborate with your team effectively. Here, we have compiled three comprehensive guides based on your role on zipBoard.

1. The Complete Comprehensive Guide for Owners/Admin: This Guide contains all of the details you need to get started. All the features and ins and outs are described here. It is recommended for Admins/Owners, the individuals who create the projects.

2. The Complete Comprehensive Guide for Collaborators: This Guide is meant for creators who were invited as collaborators, either by link or email, to work on a project. Collaborators can do pretty much everything that Admins/Owners can do, except for a few.

3. The Complete Comprehensive Guide for Guest Reviewers: If you are invited as a guest reviewer/external client/stakeholder, you might want to keep this one handy. It describes everything that an external reviewer is capable of doing.

All of the guides are also linked with various help articles. Make sure to check our help documents for further help.

If you feel that the guides are missing something or can be improved in any way, or if you need help with something for which articles are not available or adequate, feel free to write to us at [email protected]

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